How to cure psoriasis at home

Psoriasis refers to the group of the most difficult diseases. The nature of this pathology is not yet fully studied. The fact that in the process they are involved not only in the epidermis, but also results in a violation of the functions of some internal organs. Therefore, this disease is very difficult to treat. And there is not a method of therapy that would be equally effective for all patients with psoriasis. Taking into account this circumstance, in the treatment of the disease of each patient individually, the scheme of treatment, and in the complex therapy of medicine which include, in addition to traditional medicines, popular of the methodology.


Principles for the home treatment of psoriasis

In the arsenal of traditional medicine has many effective recipes, able to reduce the intensity of the symptoms of flakes depriving. It's called psoriasis, that the complete cure can not be. For the exterior treatment are prepared:

  • creams and ointments;
  • shampoos (the defeat of the scalp psoriasis);
  • medicinal lotions;
  • a bathtub with jars of herbs that help the defeat of the entire body.

Exterior of the tool of the same are suitable for the sick adults and children. And that means for the reception inside may have restrictions of age, given that some of the compounds present contraindicated for the children of the components.

By the recipes of the house, you can prepare the following pharmaceutical dosage forms, intended for the reception inside:

  • powders;
  • the process of cooking;
  • the infusions;
  • the complex mixtures.

An important point! Since most of the popular recipes treatment of psoriasis include potent and, sometimes, the toxic components, any method that should be consistent with your doctor. This will help to reduce the risk of adverse effects.

Rules treatment in the home

Typically the specialists, in order to recommend one or the other popular type of treatment, it is advised to the patients to make some rules. Here is a list of the same:

  1. In the period of treatment outside of the media, it must protect the skin, and the nails of the dry. This condition is particularly true if, in the course of the therapy includes a bath.
  2. The initial phase of psoriasis responds well to treatment with light vegetable drugs.
  3. For the therapy of the composition of the best worked into the skin, it is necessary with your surface regularly to remove scale and crust.
  4. Due to the precision of perform is selected for the treatment of the recipe, including the manufacturing process and characteristics of the application.
  5. It is not recommended that participants use a variety of tools, as well as a treatment option does not allow you to determine the effectiveness of each technique.

All the precautions will help you to get the maximum benefit from home treatment of psoriasis and to avoid possible complications.

baking soda for psoriasis

Popular recipe

The activated carbon
Want to start the presentation of effective ways with the means that are in almost every medicine cabinet. Is activated carbon. With the help of this good price of the drug may be locate even pustular psoriasis.

The remedy you prepare in this sequence: tablets of activated charcoal are ground up to powder state and are dissolved in the water. The number of tablets it is easy to determine by the formula: 1 piece 10 kg of weight. The consumption of the composition it is necessary much before the meal (1,5 -2 hours). The course of therapy estimated at 45 days.

Important! With this form of treatment, it must comply with the diet the diet and the intake of alcohol.

Sodium bicarbonate

The sodium bicarbonate is present in many of the popular recipes. Unlike pharmaceutical of the media, it is absolutely harmless and gives good result to the external application: quickly relieves symptoms of inflammation, which always occurs when the psoriasis, and softens the skin. There are three options for the use of soda:

  1. Standard solution of concentration (2 tsp in 200 ml) was processed in the affected area.
  2. You can make a lotion of soda thickens the mixture of the powder with the water. In the received structure it is necessary to bath a floppy disk or a gauze swab, and then apply alternatively to the damaged areas of the skin.
  3. Hot soda compresses well-it also helps to deal with inflammation. Already after the first procedures is to reduce the intensity of the eruptions, inflammation decreases. For this method, prepare the aqueous solution to a temperature, so as not to cause burns. In the solution to moisten the fabric and approach the problematic of the place. The compress should cool completely.

And another unique recipe, with the regular participation of the soda. This tool has more of a complex composition, because their production you will need these ingredients:

  • the yolks of egg – 3 pieces;
  • fat chicken – 1 cup;
  • coal – 2 tablespoons;
  • soap economic – 2l. tablespoons;
  • sodium bicarbonate – 1 teaspoon;
  • the bile (pharmacy) – 2 tablespoons;
  • the fungus chaga – half of the normal amount of the cup;
  • fir oil – 1 hp h.

First heat the fat, and boiled for 10 minutes. After cooling, add the chaga and the rest of the ingredients. Adding to each component of a mixture of well and mix, the bile is introduced into the mixture of the most recent. Received the ointment should have a homogeneous texture. Make the best of it all before going to bed. During a night of rest, the tool is well absorbed.

The fat lubricacin

It is, perhaps, one of the most popular media used in psoriasis. In fact, the fat lubricacin is the technique fat, which is prepared from fatty acids and calcium soap. The composition is obtained by condensation and, consequently, it is a little viscous, and the consistency reminds normal of the ointment. But, if pharmacy tools are easily washed with the surface of the skin, the fat of lubricacin is removed with difficulty. Distinguishes specific, odor-resistant.

the fat lubricacin in psoriasis

Of course, for the treatment of best use kiosks to pharmaceutical medication. But in view of that in its pure form, kiosks, pharmaceutical fat lubricacin practically, rarely, very difficult to acquire. The truth of the pharmaceutical industry makes a special line of ointments intended for the treatment of psoriasis, but its effectiveness is questionable. Therefore, traditional healers in order to get a real result encourage or condone the use pure of fat lubricacin, preferably kiosks pharmacists. The fact that the production of the technical specifications of the marks in the composition add all kinds of additives, and this threat with an allergic reaction. From here, it follows that all wise to take advantage of the doctor of the drug.

The dignity of solidol

The fat lubricacin is used dozens of years for the treatment of severe psoriasis. During this long period it has been shown more than once, impressive results. The advantages of this simple tool to classify the following qualities:

  • easy to use;
  • the low cost;
  • low probability of developing allergies and other side effects;
  • quickly relieves the itching, burning sensation (usually after the first two procedures);
  • stimulates the process of apitelization of the skin;
  • reduces the intensity of the peeling;
  • after a treatment of long duration is prolonged in time.

More than 60% of the patients after several courses of treatment was observed a disappearance, virtually none of the external manifestations of the disease.

An important point! It is recommended that before you apply solidol pass the sensitivity test, marking a bit of skin in the elbow area. If after atldays does not appear signs of irritation, you can begin the treatment.

Recipes based of solidol

  1. This house, the composition is effective in the scalp psoriasis. Prepares for him from this recipe: the fat of lubricacin (300 g), first should be mixed with two egg proteins, adding to the mixture a tablespoon of dining room of honey (preferably will be sold) and the grass cleanland. The plant, the component of pre-grind to a powder state. Obtained the ointment it is necessary to lubricate the damaged areas.
  2. And another recipe, which is suitable for the treatment of psoriasis anywhere in the body. It is very easy to run: the fat of lubricacin, you can even use techniques clean of the mark, apply a thick layer on the body and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. To eliminate the pungent smell of the drug it is recommended to take a shower with tar with water and soap. These procedures are recommended to do all day, increasing every week, in 10 minutes time. When the temporal dimension is of an hour, you can spend on the night compresses with colugolom. Of course, this option is a good choice of the portability of the tool.

The medicinal baths

For large surfaces of the defeat of the psoriasis greatly facilitate the state of the sick of a hot bath. Water treatments exert a calming influence, to remove the itching and contribute to fast healing of the places damaged. And of special funds for medicinal baths will not be necessary, because many of them are in each house.

bathroom in psoriasis
  1. Salt of the bath, it is recommended to perform two times a week. Already after the first two treatments it is usually remarkable the effect of a treatment. But the course of water treatment, with capacity for long time of 3 months. It is very important to observe the regularity of the proceedings. It is best to use sea salt, which is sold in the network. For the realization of a procedure, they should be filled with warm water of the bath dissolve 1 kg of salt, and completely submerge the body.
  2. The turpentine bath well heated, so that the circulation of the blood. The multiplicity of procedures, 2 times per week interval of time. It is recommended to use the kiosks, pharmaceutical turpentine. The tool is poured into the heated up to 36 degrees the water. After five minutes of stay in the water, the temperature must increase up to 40. After treatment of the bath is necessary for a couple of hours of rest in bed, the heat having covered. Important: Before the procedure it is necessary to process the petroleum jelly on the area of the genitals, the butt plug in the area and the wounds open.
  3. The bath with the starch, it is recommended that children and the elderly sick. For the realization of the procedure that are adaptable to any product type: potato, rice, and other varieties of starch. After taking a bath to wash the therapy from the composition with which the body does not need.
  4. Soda baths are performed as with the other methods. Procedures increase the desquamation of the skin, which indicates the beginning of your recovery. To reduce the dryness of the skin, it is recommended that after bathing, apply on the body, olive oil. The itching and the other negative, symptoms improve after the first procedures, and the positive result is produced through a few weeks of treatment.
  5. Bath with extract of conferas, activate the processes of regeneration, as well as increase the immune capacity of the forces of the body. You can prepare the raw material independently, but it is better to acquire kiosks, pharmaceutical medication. First, the extract soaked in water and then pour it into the bathing preparation. If the psoriasis will surprise parts of the body, as the feet or the palms of the hands, it can be made local in france with the cooking of the yolk of pine.

All listings of here the procedure, you can, without problems, organize the house. In sanatoria conditions of the patients of psoriasis is prescribed serovodorodnie and the radon tub.

The shampoos on the psoriasis

Recipe 1: Herb cleanland fresh (300g) passes through the mill. Then the green mass of the squeeze the juice, that it is necessary to add a small amount of red wine (30 ml). Obtained mixture is necessary to treat the scalp, leaving the composition of a quarter of an hour, then rinse hair well.

Recipe 2: you Need an egg white, combine with a spoon of liquid honey, add a little children's any type of shampoo, mix well. The composition is applied to a quarter of an hour, then abundantly washed down with a jet of warm water.

Tools for oral administration

As has already been pointed out above, in addition to outside of, an effective treatment in the home, you can prepare medicinal brews for internal consumption. It is all kinds of soups, broths, infusions, the combination of the compositions. All herbal preparations to capitalize on the internal reserves of the body, helping to combat the disease. These popular recipes have helped to heal many of the patients.

the tool when the psoriasis
  1. Chaga was used in the village when the psoriasis. Table center of the mushroom contains a substance that stimulates many vital areas of the processes. When the psoriasis can be used the infusion, and decoction. The infusion is best prepared in a thermos. The raw material is dry, place it in a bowl, pour boiling water, insist in five hours. The composition received you can drink it from the spoon a dining room, three times a day, and you can add in the bath or grease them double the area affected. Therapeutic baths with chaga also helps the dermatitis and different skin infections. The decoction was prepared in a similar manner, and is taken strictly after the meal. On the basis of fungus can be prepared at home ointment, combining the oil feedstock with the economic importance of soap in brea, egg yolk and soda.
  2. Tar soap is always present in the complex therapy in psoriasis. It cleans the skin well epidermis, stimulates regeneration. Although this tool does not has too pleasant taste, its use will help to deal with complex dermatitis and psoriasis. What distinctive measures, the use of this soap it is not necessary, it is enough to treat problems of the area. After washing, it is recommended to оatlto osmotica herbal broth.

The natural oils

Any vegetable oil will also benefit inflamed skin. It is better to choose for medicinal purposes, unrefined product. In this line of the most effective means of linseed oil. To regulate the foreign processing would raise the irritation, protection against the penetration of infectious agents, thereby promoting the healing of damaged tissues.

Does not yield to the treatment of the properties olive oil is a source of natural polyphenols. These components have a potent anti-inflammatory property. Olive oil on psoriasis can small doses of eating, add in salads and other dishes.

Burdock oil more suitable to the extensive lesions on the scalp. It is recommended to apply before going to bed, setting the top of the film. After several treatments the skin will improve significantly.

In conclusion I want to reiterate once more that only a comprehensive approach to the treatment and the strict adherence to all the recommended measures can ensure success. Psoriasis is a very complicated disease. In addition to therapy to improve the patient's status is necessary to comply strictly with the diet, reducing exposure to the sun, and follow the recommendations of healthy life style.